Fotograma de la serie Selftape


Filmax, Filmin



They started out as child actresses, experienced a fanatical boom in their teens and now, in their early twenties, are still fighting for what they thought was their dream. They are Joana and Mireia, two sisters trying to fit their past into an uncertain present.

Director: Joana Vilapuig , Mireia Vilapuig , Bàrbara Farré

Prod. Companies: Filmax, Filmin

Technical Specifications:

  • Created by: Joana Vilapuig , Mireia Vilapuig
  • Script: Joana Vilapuig, Mireia Vilapuig, Carlos Robisco Peña, Clara Esparrach, Ivan Mercadé
  • Music: Clara Aguilar
  • Director of photography: Lucas Casanovas


Joana Vilapuig, Mireia Vilapuig, Joan Esteve, Yolanda Sey, Marc Ribera, Pablo Derqui, Abril Zamora, Camila Ruiz, Lluís Marqués, Pablo Álvarez, Gary Anthony Stennette.