Alex Ventura, a young and inexperienced diplomat, finds himself unwittingly becoming the leader of a mission that will put all his convictions to the test: to recover the underwater treasure stolen by Frank Wild, an adventurer who travels the world plundering the common heritage of the depths of the sea. Forming a unique team with Lucia, a tough-as-nails civil servant, and Jonas Pierce, a brilliant American lawyer with a passion for old pirate stories, Alex will embark on the adventure of a lifetime, discovering the importance of love, friendship and commitment to one’s beliefs.
Director: Alejandro Amenábar
Prod. Company: Mod Producciones
Álex Ventura Álvaro Mel
Lucía Vallarta Ana Polvorosa
Jonas Pierce Clarke Peters
Frank Wild Stanley Tucci
Susan Mclean T’Nia Miller
Enrique Moliner Karra Elejalde
Horacio Valverde Manolo Solo
Zeta Blanca Portillo
Director: Alejandro Amenábar
Screenplay: Alejandro Amenábar and Alejandro Hernández
Based on the comic “El tesoro del Cisne Negro”, by Paco Roca and Guillermo Corral
Executive Producers
Fernando Bovaira
Helen Martí Donoghue
Simón de Santiago
Domingo Corral
Fran Araújo
Carla Pérez de Albéniz
Executive co-producers
César Rodríguez Blanco (Sr. Mono)
David Fernández Díaz (Sr. Mono)