15 years have passed and Roberto is still in love with his neighbor, but she prefers to hide ashamed of her body.
With his art and an old clothesline as the only ways of communication, Roberto has a plan to push his beloved for face her monsters at once.
Director: Carmen Córdoba González
Script: Carmen Córdoba González
Production Company: Carmen Córdoba González
Music: Fryluka Musical
Format: Short Film
Genre: Drama
State: Finished
More than 145 awards at national and international festivals, including Tricks for Kids at ITFS - Internationales Trickfilmfestival Stuttgart 2021, Best Spanish Animated Short at Animayo 2021, Audience Award for Best National Animated Short at WEIRD Market 2020 and Audience Award at the Films for Children Competition of Animocje 2021. More than 330 selections, including 9 Oscar-Qualifying Festivals.