Fotograma de la película "Un sol radiant"

Un sol radiant

Mònica Cambra, Ariadna Fortuny

Un sol radiant - A Bright Sun


MILA (11) faces the last days of life before the end of the world. While she struggles to understand the complexity of death, she also tries to keep her family together by holding a party that takes place on the very last day of life on earth.

Director: Mònica Cambra, Ariadna Fortuny

Prod. Companies: ATIENDE FILMS, S.L. (94,46%, Barcelona) - ENS PÚBLIC DE RADIOTELEVISIÓ DE LES ILLES BALEARS (5,54%, Calviá, Mallorca, Islas Baleares)

Cast: Laia Artigas, Núria Prims, Nunu Sales, Jaume Villalta, Mercè Pons

Spain Distribution: Begin Again Films

International Sales: Begin Again Films