Fotograma de la película Matadero


Santiago Fillol



An American filmmaker arrives in the Argentinian pampa to film "Matadero": a founding narrative of class struggle where a group of laborers slaughter their bosses like cattle. It is 1974, the violent persecution of the left has just begun in Argentina, and the young actors in the film are on the verge of taking a leap into full time clandestine militancy.

Director: Santiago Fillol

Prod. Companies: EL VIAJE PRODUCCIONES INTEGRALES CANARIAS, S.L. (19,37%, Santa Cruz de Tenerife) - RAW LAB JC-20, S.L. (12,92%, Barcelona) - MAGOYA FILMS S.A. - PRISMA S.R.L. (44,84%, Argentina) - 4 A 4 PRODUCTIONS (22,87%, Francia / France)

Cast: Julio Perillán, Malena Villa, Ailín Salas, Rafael Federman, Lina Gorbaneva, Ernestina Gatti, David Szechtman, Gustavo Javier Rodríguez

Spain Distribution:  BEGIN AGAIN FILMS, S.L.