Fotograma de la película Mamá no enRedes

Mamá no enRedes

Daniela Fejerman

Mamá no enRedes - Mom is a match


What thoughts cross the mind of a young guy in his twenties when he finds his own mother´s profile in a dating app? Dani and his sister Milena will embark on the delirious adventure of trying to spoil their mother´s flings. However, as it turns out their strategies don´t have the desired effect. In fact, nothing will work out as they expect.

Director: Daniela Fejerman

Prod. Companies: LOS NOVIOS DE MAMÁ, A.I.E. (49,8% Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) - MAMÁ ESTÁ EN TINDER, A.I.E. (49,8%, Berrioplano/Berriobeiti, Navarra) - ENBABIA FILMS, S.L. (0,2%, Getxo) - BOWFINGER INTERNATIONAL PICTURES, S.L. (0,1%, Donostia/San Sebastián) - TORNASOL, S.L. (0,1%, Madrid)

Cast: Malena Alterio, Antonio Pagudo, Ben Temple, Juan Grandinetti, Eva Ugarte, Sofía Oria, Oscar Ortuño, Antonio Garrido, María Castro

Spain Distribution:  DeAPlaneta, S.L.

International Sales: LATIDO FILMS