Fotograma de la película El agua

El agua

Elena López Riera

El agua -  The water


It is summer in a small town in the southeast of Spain. A storm threatens to overflow the river that runs through it again. An old popular belief affirms that some women are predestined to disappear with each new flood because they have “the water inside”.
Ana (Luna Pamies) lives with her mother (Bárbara Lennie) and her grandmother (Nieve de Medina) in a house that the rest of the town looks at with suspicion. In the midst of the electric atmosphere that precedes the rain, Ana meets José (Alberto Olmo) while fighting to throw away the ghosts.

Director: Elena López Riera

Prod. Companies: SUICA PRODUCTIONS, S.L. (30%, Valencia) - ALINA FILM (Suiza / Switzerland 60%) - LES FILMS DU WORSO (Francia / France 10%)

Cast: Luna Pamies, Bárbara Lennie, Alberto Olmo, Nieve de Medina, Irene Pellicer, Nayara García, Lidia Cánova, Pascual Valero

Spain Distribution:  COMUNIDAD FILMIN, S.L.

International Sales:  ELLE DRIVER