"Duo" is road movie through the stunning Andes landscapes of Argentina and Chile. We follow characters Monica and Colate, who are being pushed to their physical and emotional limits as they embark on their final dance tour after 24 years together. The Atacama Desert will test both the limits of their relationship and their bodies, but it will also ignite the prospect of a wealth of new encounters.
Director: Meritxell Colell Aparicio
Prod. Companies: POLAR STAR FILMS, S.L. (40%, Barcelona) - PENSILVANIA FILMS (27%, Argentina) - PARAISO PRODUCTION (17%, Francia / France) - MANUFACTURA DE PELÍCULAS (16%, Chile)
Cast: Mónica García, Gonzalo Cunill, María del valle Mamani Chaile, María Máxima Ramos, Eustacia Soriano, Eufemio Sosa, Irene Huanca, Vicente Mamani, Reyna Mamani Cañari, Juana Pacaje Calle, Concha Canal
Spain Distribution: L´ATALANTE CINEMA, S.L.U.
International Sales: BEGIN AGAIN FILMS, S.L.