The morning after carnival night in the Galician village of AS NEVES, local teenagers awake to discover that snowfall overnight has cut off their internet access and one of them never made it home from their magic mushroom-fueled party.
Director: Sonia Méndez
Prod. Companies: AQUÍ Y ALLÍ FILMS, S.L. (50%, San Sebastián de los Reyes 28703 Madrid) - CÓSMICA PRODUCIÓNS, S.L. (50%, Santiago de Compostela)
Cast: Andrea Varela, David Fernández, Antía Mariño, Xacobe Bruña, Irene Rodríguez, Diego Caro, Santi Carmena, Jenny Soto, Adriana Fernández, Lucía Veiga, Patricia Vázquez, Luisa Merelas, Iolanda Muiños, Federico Pérez, Xabier Deibe
Spain Distribution: SIDERAL CINEMA, S.L.
International Sales: BEGIN AGAIN