Fotograma de la película As bestas

As bestas

Rodrigo Sorogoyen

As bestas - The beasts


Antoine (Denis Ménochet) and Olga (Marina Foïs) are a French couple that settled down, some time ago, in a small village, in inland Galicia. There, they lead a peaceful life, although coexisting with the local people isn’t as idyllic as they would like. A conflict with their neighbors, the Anta brothers (Luis Zahera & Diego Anido), breaks out whereby tension will grow throughout the hamlet until it reaches a point of no return.

Director: Rodrigo Sorogoyen

Prod. Companies: CRONOS ENTERTAINMENT, A.I.E. (79,2%, Barcelona) - ARCADIA MOTION PICTURES S.L. (0,5%, Barcelona) - CABALLO FILMS, S.L. (0,3%, Madrid) - LE PACTE (20%, Francia / France)

Cast: Denis Ménochet, Marina Foïs, Luis Zahera, Diego Anido, Marie Colomb

Spain Distribution:  A CONTRACORRIENTE FILMS, S.L.

International Sales:  LATIDO FILMS