Fotograma del documental El Camino Ignaciano

El Camino Ignaciano

Jordi Roigé

El Camino Ignaciano


“El Camino Ignaciano” ("The Ignatian Way") is a documentary to experience, as one more pilgrim, the visual and spiritual beauty of the itinerary that Ignatius of Loyola followed from Azpeitia to Manresa 500 years ago. Through the experiences of four pilgrims and a guide, the images invite you to enjoy the architecture, monuments, landscapes, fauna and flora, gastronomy, culture, and people of the places that make up the Ignatian Way.

Director: Jordi Roigé

Prod. Companies: Animaset Media i Comunicació, S.L. (Barcelona)

Cast: Josep Lluís Iriberri SJ, Marta Burguet, Iñigo Medinilla, Mbassa Niang, Iñaki Sánchez

Spain Distribution:  Adso Films