Fotograma de la película de animación Momias


Juan Jesús García Galocha

Momias - Mummies


In Egypt, in the bowels of the earth, there is a 3000 year old city of mummies, where by imperial mandate, Princess Nefer has to marry Thut, although neither wants to enter into marriage. But the wishes of the gods are inescapable, so both will have to marry in seven days and take the ring that the Pharaoh has given Thut to the wedding intact. Meanwhile, on the surface of the earth, Lord Carnaby undertakes an archaeological expedition in which, for the first time, he finds something relevant: an Egyptian tomb containing a wedding ring. It's his chance to go down in history, but he doesn't count on the fact that the ring already has an owner... When Thut discovers that the ring has been stolen, he has no choice but to go up to the human world and infiltrate modern-day London. He is accompanied on the journey by his brother Sekhem, his pet crocodile Croc, and Nefer. Together, the three mummies will have to make their way through London to recover the ring that Lord Carnaby has stolen from them. And something that Thut and Nefer had never planned: getting to know each other.

Director: Juan Jesús García Galocha

Prod. Companies: MOOMIOS MOVIE, A.I.E. (99%, Valencia) - 4 CATS PICTURES, S.L.U. (0,5%, Barcelona) - ANANGU GRUP, S.L.U. (0,5%, Barcelona)